David Bolno: How to Achieve Success in the Music Business While Remaining Humble

Most of you already know the growing size of the music industry. However, with the growing industry comes challenges to build recognition and success with flying colors. The music industry is more like a playground with tons of opportunities alongside a battleground to prove yourself and outrank the competition. In your journey to success in […]

4 mins read

The Scope of User Generated Content

We are moving in the 21st century and everything is evolving very rapidly. With the availability of the internet and online mediums, the content generation process is changing. Digital marketing is a requirement for every business and it helps in growing any business.  If you have a dependable internet connection, you can use it to […]

6 mins read

Blade 2: Have you seen Alien?

I only recently watched the first Blade last week, and got to enjoy a film untouched by modern sensibilities. Do you like over-the-top action, cheesy one-liners, and dated special effects? That’s Blade. A fun movie about a badass Vampire-hunting vampire, killing other Vampires, with an overarching plot about stopping the villain Vampire from exterminating humanity. Fairly […]

5 mins read

Effective Budgeting Tips for Beginners

Reaching your financial goal is only possible by following strict and effective budgeting. Believe it or not, budgeting is the healthy way to reach your financial goals and get financial freedom at your desired age.  However, most people are still unaware of the good budgeting practices that keep them behind their financial success. Don’t worry; […]

3 mins read